This page is a work in progress. Please BOOKMARK for additions and updated content.
The following pages document specific dates and locations from travel records relevant to the thesis of Dr. Newman’s latest work, Volume IV in his series on President Kennedy, Uncovering Popov’s Mole. Also included is the deposition transcript from Bruce L. Solie’s testimony to the House Select Committee on Assassinations dated 1 June, 1978.
14 November 2022
These are more examples of the so-called “illegible” Solie travel records between 1957 and 1962–these from March 1957 and May 1962. We will be posting such “illegible” materials slowly during 2023 for a variety of purposes (bookmarks, post cards, etc.) to spread the evidence underscoring how each of these trips coincided with and served the interests of the KGB.
[Place cursor on image and right-click; select Open Image in New Tab]


A note from Dr. Newman:
Volume IV (Uncovering Popov’s Mole) was held up from publication on the grounds that Appendix I, which was devoted to the travel records I discovered on Ancestry, are “illegible.” I happily removed the travel records from Appendix I so that researchers could have access to the work laid out in this new volume. The volume now on Amazon indicates the details of this episode in the new version of Appendix I. This investigation is continuing.